

考试结束,没有往常的高兴,一想到明年的pmr就高兴不起来 最近在构思着一个短篇小说的情节,只打算写11/12章 故事情节大概有了,但真正开始还是要等到电脑痊愈。 在这小说里会有很多我真正的朋友出现(当然不会用真名),里面的那个女主角则是我的化身 结局会很劲爆!敬请期待。



Confusing Chinese Names Caller : Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan (anyone)? Operator : Yes, you can speak to me. Caller : No, I want to speak to Annie Wan (anyone)! Operator : You are talking to someone! Who is this? Caller : I'm Sam Wan (Someone). And I need to talk to Annie Wan (anyone)! It's urgent. Operator : I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about? Caller : Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan (anyone) that our brother Noel Wan (no one)has involved in an accident. Noel Wan (no one)got injured and now Noel Wan (no one) is being sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan (everyone) is on his way to the hospital. Operator : Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn't an urgen t matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this! Caller : You are so rude! Who are you? Operator : I'm Saw Lee (Sorry). Caller : Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!! ====================================================== This is hilarious ... Why Chinese shouldn't have Christian names: Anne Chang => Dirty (Mandarin) Anne Chin => Keep Quiet (Mandarin) Faye Chen => Dusty (Mandarin) Carl Cheng => Buttock (Hokkien) Monica Cheng => Touching your buttocks (Hokkien) Lucy Leow => You are dead (Hokkien) Jane Tan => Frying eggs (Mandarin) Suzie Leow => Lose till death (Hokkien) Henry Mah => Hate your mum (Mandarin) Corrine Tai => Poor fellow (Hokkien) Paul Chan => Bankrupt (Mandarin) Nelson Tan => Bird laying eggs (Mandarin) Leslie Tong => Rubbish Bin (Mandarin) Carmen Teng => Leg hair long (Hokkien) Connie Mah => Call your mother (Cantonese) Danny See => Squeeze you to death (Hokkien) Rosie Teng => Screws and nails (Hokkien) Pete Tsai => Nose droppings (Hokkien) Macy Koh => Never die before (Cantonese)